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By bundling them, you save 18% every month – getting you the best price.
By bundling them, you save 18% every month – getting you the best price.
By bundling them, you save 18% every month – getting you the best price.
Psychologist Dr Daniel Emina talks to Heights about cognitive development.
Dr Daniel Emina has unlocked the mysteries of the adolescent brain. Mood swings, risky decisions, and an explosion of neurons firing: as a double-board certified psychologist, Dr Daniel's studied it all and lived to tell the tale.
On today's Braincare podcast, Dr Emina explains adolescent identity formation, and how the limbic brain causes teenagers to make sub-optimal decisions. Plus, we discover why adolescents are hard-wired to seek out short-term rewards over long-term gains.
You can listen to episode 9 here.
Increased emotional activity speeds the willingness to say "Mum, I'm different from you. When you have that little bit of extra irritability, let me push off from you".
Adolescents are hugely sensitive to societal cues around cognitive bias. So how can we, as adults, help to break down prejudice rather than reinforcing it?
Have that uncomfortable conversation, but make sure you're educating yourself first.
In this first episode with Dr Daniel Emina we will cover:
Your brain on video games: triggering dopamine on mass
Why novel-seeking behaviour can get us into trouble
The science behind wanting to stand out from the crowd
Dealing with teenage mood swings
Societal reinforcement of prejudice
How to discuss bias with teenagers
Listen to the full episode here —and subscribe to The Braincare Podcast to get more bitesize interviews with the world's leading scientists and experts.
Want more insights on cognitive bias in children? Check out our previous episode with Dr Daniel Emina on Child Psychology and Unconscious Bias.
The average brain health score is 51/100. Take our 3-minute quiz to learn how yours measures up and how to boost it.
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