Sleep⁺ Mask

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
5.0 out of 5 Stars (4 Reviews)

100% silk, total blackout sleep mask with an adjustable, wraparound fit.

Made from soft and breathable mulberry silk. Blocks out all light (from hotel rooms, to aeroplanes, to your partner’s phone) and stays put without being too tight.

Get the shuteye you need to repair and recharge—because brighter days start with darker nights.

Free delivery in UK 30-day money-back guarantee

Farbe: Marineblau

Größe: Erwachsene - Einheitsgröße (tatsächliche Größe 20,5 x 8,5 cm)

  • Haut klar und glatt halten

    Die sanften, hypoallergenen Fasern der Seide verhindern Hautfalten und schützen vor Bakterien und Allergenen, die zu Ausbrüchen führen können.

  • Ihre innere Uhr synchronisieren

    Die Reduzierung künstlicher Lichtbelastung stellt Ihren Körper auf einen natürlichen Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus ein.

  • Ihr Melatonin steigern

    Dunkelheit veranlasst das Gehirn, Melatonin (auch als Schlafhormon bekannt) zu produzieren, das Sie vor dem Schlafengehen schläfrig macht.

  • Schlafqualität verbessern

    Das Blockieren von Licht hilft Ihnen, reibungslos durch die Schlafzyklen zu gleiten, um mehr Zeit in tiefen, erholsamen Phasen zu verbringen.

  • Körpertemperatur regulieren

    Atmungsfähige Seide hilft, Ihren Körper kühl zu halten, was Melatonin fördert und Sie schläfrig macht.

  • Ausgeruht aufwachen

    Guter Schlaf ist entscheidend für einen gesunden Geist, so dass Sie wach werden und sich klar im Kopf und bereit für den Tag fühlen.

  • Reparieren und wachsen

    Schlaf hilft Ihrem ganzen Körper, Gewebe zu reparieren und zu wachsen, damit alles so funktioniert, wie es sollte.

  • In die allgemeine Gesundheit investieren

    Schlaf hat einen enormen Einfluss auf Stimmung, Konzentration, Gedächtnis, Stoffwechsel, Immunität, Herzgesundheit und vieles mehr.

Maske und Füllung aus 100% Seide der Klasse 6A.

OEKO-Tex Standard 100 Zertifizierung, was bedeutet, dass bei der Herstellung des Stoffes oder Füllmaterials keine schädlichen Chemikalien verwendet wurden.

Handwäsche wird empfohlen, aber Sie können auch in der Maschine waschen. Verwenden Sie lauwarmes Wasser oder stellen Sie die Waschmaschine auf 30℃ im Schonwaschgang ein. Lufttrocknen, um die ursprüngliche Form und das Gefühl zu erhalten.

Weitere Schlaf-Must-Haves

Wälzen Sie sich hin und her? Geben Sie Ihrem Körper alles, was er für einen guten Schlaf braucht

Vitals⁺ Vitals⁺
20 wesentliche Nährstoffe stärken Körper und Geist
€48 /Monat
Magnesium⁺ Magnesium⁺
Magnesium-Glycinat für über 300 Körperfunktionen
€23,33 /Monat

The sleep mask that actually delivers

100% silk

Soft, breathable and hypoallergenic. Good for clear, smooth skin and sweaty sleepers.

360° light-blocking

Total eclipse of the eyes. Blocks out light your eyelids can't for deep, peaceful sleep.

Comfy fit

Cushioned and full adjustable. Wake up with it on your head, not across the room.

Did you know?

The night sky is getting lighter by an average of 9.6% globally each year — and this can disrupt our natural sleep-wake cycle.


The sleep mask our customers swear by

For deeper, uninterrupted sleep every night.

See what they have to say:

Lisa H.

Super soft and comfortable. No creases on my skin, and it feels weightless. Fits well without the tightness or headaches other masks cause. It's perfect for travel—luxurious, easy to pack, and blocks out all the harsh plane light.

A must-have for restful sleep on the go!

John P.

This is without doubt the best sleep mask I have ever used. Extremely comfortable - the silky material with lush soft padding cossets the eyes and provides a complete blackout.

Used recently on a plane trip home from New York, so much better than the airline's standard issue mask. I definitely recommend.

Hayley S.

Genuinely never slept better. It blocks out all light, and is SO padded and comfy. The material is so comforting on your face and it's just a game-changer!!!

Plus, i've seen really similar masks for double the price!

See our reviews

3 reasons why quality sleep matters


Wake up on the right side of bed. Sleep helps you regulate emotions and manage stress.


Feel sharper. Sleep helps your brain organise memories, improving focus and concentration.


Your body can’t do much—from recovery, to energy, to immunity—without quality sleep.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
Based on 4 reviews
4 reviews
  • Nicola
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Age Range 35 - 44
    Why did you purchase? Block out light, Travel aid / jet lag, Sleep quality
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 months ago
    Game changer for sleep

    The best sleep mask I have ever tried!!! Such a soft cocoon around the eye and ear area, keeps all light out and the silk has also had a great benefit on my hair when I wake up.

    ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • Sarah S.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    I recommend this product
    Age Range 35 - 44
    Why did you purchase? Block out light, Sleep quality, Skin / wrinkles
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 months ago
    Best sleep mask I've ever had

    It's unreal. Not sure what you've made this from but whoever designed it has put so much thought and detail into it. My wife used it once, wouldn't give it back so I had to buy another one. Now we sleep with heights on our faces and in our bodies every night. Can't wait to see what's next from you guys, the quality you put out is next level.

    ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • Gemma B.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Age Range 25 - 34
    Why did you purchase? Sleep quality, Meditation & mindfulness
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 months ago

    So I now cannot live without this sleep mask, it’s absolutely gorgeous! It’s so silky soft on your skin. This combined with Heights magnesium is an absolute game changer!! 😍

    ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • Lara
    Flag of United Kingdom
    I recommend this product
    Age Range 25 - 34
    Why did you purchase? Block out light, Skin / wrinkles, Travel aid / jet lag, Sleep quality
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 months ago
    Like a nightly face hug

    I was not aware I needed a mask, thought it was just another fad. I have never used one before but my dermatologist recommended one for my skin and I will buy into anything that may stop wrinkles! Turns out that is just a bonus. I have never slept so well and this has become a go-to for long-haul flights. Blacks out the harsh lighting and matched with some noise cancelling headphones and I could be anywhere. Putting it on also stops me entering a scroll hole on my phone in bed so has improved my pre-sleep routine and wind down. WIN WIN!

    So so soft and comfortable, feel and looks luxurious. I look forward to the nightly face hug.

    ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5