Personal Development

How to stop negative self-talk with Jay Shetty

Feeling negative is part and parcel of life, but Jay Shetty is helping us to handle it in this episode of Working In.

Jay Shetty wants you to sit with your negativity. The hugely popular social media influencer and author of Think Like A Monk has seen how negative self-talk can blight even the most zen of lifestyles. Negativity is part and parcel of existence, so how can we deal with it productively?

You can listen to episode 17 here .

Stop talking yourself down

On today's Braincare podcast, Jay explains why negative self-talk of our inner saboteur can cast a shadow on our lives. He shares his spot-stop-swap methodology to engage with that voice and flip its consequences so that you can proactively seek a peaceful life.

Setting the expectation that you will never ever negatively self-talk again is what will set you up for failure. Here's what you actually want to do...

The difference between ego and self-esteem

What is the difference between ego and self-esteem? As a monk, Jay was trained to identify the traps of egotism and arrogance that often masquerade as self-belief. So, whether people are singing your praises or keeping you down, how can you rise above?

When you start feeling grateful for something, it's now not a matter of whether you deserve it or not—you just feel really happy that you have it.

Podcast episode takeaways

In this second episode with Jay Shetty we will cover:

  • Ways to identify negative self-talk

  • Should you trust your inner narrative?

  • The spot-stop-swap methodology

  • Can we manipulate our own emotions for good?

  • Journalling and the power of words

  • Actionable advice for boosting self-esteem

Listen to the full episode here —and subscribe to The Braincare Podcast to get more bitesize interviews with the world's leading scientists and experts.

Want to think a little more like a monk? Check out our previous episode with Jay Shetty on How to cultivate a positive mindset.

About the author:
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Laura Sugden

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