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Give your brain the right fuel to stay at its best. These are the best vitamins for brain health.
Your brain needs a lot of fuel. In fact, it has some of the highest energy requirements amongst all of your body’s organs. Did you know that 60% of the glucose (sugar) your body burns every day goes directly to powering your brain? But your brain needs more than just calories and carbohydrates—it needs specific nutrients.
If you want to ensure you’re looking after your brain, long-term, make sure you’re getting the best vitamins for brain health.
There are six distinct nutrients that have the biggest and most immediate impact on your overall brain health .
These vitamins, minerals, and nutrients have powerful properties that fuel your brain.
What they are:
Anthocyanins are pigments that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant hues. You'll find anthocyanins in any plant-based foods that are black, red, purple or blue.
What anthocyanins do:
they work as potent antioxidants, helping to protect your brain cells from toxins you're exposed to in your diet or environment.
they support neural signalling and the brain's natural process for generating new neurons and new brain cells.
they have potent anti-inflammatory effects that a beneficial for your brain and general wellness.
What brain health studies reveal:
Anthocyanins may improve brain signalling and the clearing of brain deposits.
They may help activate the parts of your brain associated with memory.
They have been shown to improve learning and memory , making them effective memory supplements.
What they are:
Omega 3 is one of the first brain health supplements that come to mind. You’ll find these essential fatty acids in seaweed, algae, and marine animals that eat such sea vegetables (e.g., tuna, salmon, and other fatty fish). Approximately a third of your brain's grey matter (the part of the brain involved in emotions, memory, and decision making,) is composed of these fatty acids.
What omega 3 does:
It protects your brain’s grey matter.
It supports all functions of the grey matter, including general cognition motor skills and emotional regulation .
It may prevent neurological conditions associated with poor grey matter health.
What brain health studies reveal:
Higher omega 3 intake may help with focus and concentration problems.
It may reduce your risks of cognitive decline , with one study finding that 75 year-olds with high blood levels of omega 3s reduced their risk of dementia by 47 per cent .
It may support improved mental health .
What it is:
Vitamin D is one of the most well-known brain supplements. It’s aptly referred to as the "sunshine vitamin" because most people get their vitamin D from sun exposure, but in our survey , we discovered that 57% of people are lacking in this vitamin.
What vitamin D does:
It plays a role in cell growth and cell differentiation.
It regulates the expression of hundreds of genes (gene expression is the process where your DNA gives "instructions" to your body).
What brain health studies reveal:
Vitamin D protects against cognitive decline .
It supports overall mental health.
What it is:
In lists of vitamins for brain health, iron is often overlooked. After all, it’s most commonly associated with blood. But it’s absolutely essential for your brain too . It’s found in foods like legumes, spinach, and nuts and seeds.
What iron does:
It supports overall blood health , including the production of red blood cells.
It's needed for your blood cells to be able to transport energy and nutrients through your body (including to your brain).
It’s critical for DNA synthesis.
What brain health studies reveal:
Iron boosts your brain’s work capacity (your brain’s speed and ability to process information).
It supports intellectual performance .
It strengthens general cognitive performance , including memory and attention.
It reduces the risk of psychiatric illnesses.
What it is:
Selenium is rarely talked about, but it's an essential mineral found in trace amounts in foods like whole wheat, nuts and seeds, and dairy products. You need very little (just 55µg a day), yet an estimated 1 billion people worldwide are deficient in selenium.
What selenium does:
It functions as a potent antioxidant to neutralize toxins.
It plays a role in numerous cellular processes , including mood, emotion, and production of special proteins needed for brain health.
What brain health studies reveal:
It boosts overall cognitive function , especially in older adults.
It may reduce the risk of age-related cognitive illnesses with researchers theorizing that this may be due to its antioxidant properties that protect your neurons from damage.
It may protect against ageing-related cognitive decline , with low blood levels of selenium directly correlating with lower cognition (i.e., the lower your selenium levels, the more prominent your cognitive decline).
It may enhance mood and mental health .
What it is:
There are eight B vitamins, which are all powerful brain vitamins. They're found in foods like seafood, dairy products, grains, and nuts and seeds. Each B vitamin has an important function for your brain, and are often taken together in a supplement for brain health. Vitals⁺ gives you all eight B vitamins in every dose.
What B vitamins do:
They help produce red blood cells.
They support hormone and neurotransmitter production.
They play a role in nerve signalling.
They enhance cellular functioning at every level.
What brain health studies reveal:
Taking a B-complex vitamin boosts mental health and mood.
Reduces tension and nerves, in part by keeping your endocrine system and cortisol levels balanced.
Helps to minimise the symptoms of nerves, such as feeling tension, experiencing mental confusion, or going through moments of dejectedness and sadness.
Enhances short- and long-term memory with researchers theorising that it may be because B-vitamins are necessary for healthy, oxygen-rich blood, which in turn boosts oxygen to the brain.
Improves mental energy , including enhancing your focus and concentration, and so are effective vitamins for brain fog.
When it comes to the best vitamin for brain health, variety is important. Taking the full spectrum of vitamins that are good for the brain, and taking them regularly, is what’s going to make the difference, long-term. So finding a high-quality, convenient brain health supplement is worth it.
The average brain health score is 51/100. Take our 3-minute quiz to learn how yours measures up and how to boost it.